NIT - Trichy Thesis Template

A LaTeX template for the 2016-17 thesis

23 April 2017


  • LaTeX
  • XML

Thesis Template

B.Tech Thesis Template for NIT-Trichy students

So I created this thesis template in LaTeX as I thought formatting in Word was such a pain. Besides, LaTeX allowed me to just focus on the content and not bother about the formatting as it was all pre-defined rules. This template was created for the use of B.Tech students at the National Institute of Technology - Tiruchirappalli. I think the code is well commented and ensures that a person new to Latex will be able to modify it to suit their needs. It follows the latest thesis guidelines as specified for 2016-2017. I appreciate any comments and feedback regarding this.


  • If you’re new to latex start off with main.tex and follow the comments.
  • This is the overleaf link if you want to edit it online. I recommend overleaf as they have side-by-side viewer which shows you what’s going on in real time. Currently my template is tracking over 1500 views!!


Here are some features of this LaTeX template.

  • Table of Contents autofills.
  • Images and tables are tracked and List of figures and tables autofills.
  • Code can be added with syntax highlighting.
  • Reference section included.
  • Follows the thesis guidelines given by NITT like font size and spacing.
  • Complex equations can be added easily with numbering.


Here’s how a few sample pages look like.

Cover Page


Sample of How Equations Are Fomatted


Sample of Embedding Images



If you would like to build on this (in case college changes the template rubric) go ahead and clone this repo and make your changes.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file in my repo for more details.